08/2021 to date:

Member of the Executive Board, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Greece.

The mission of the HCAA is to carry out certification, oversight, and enforcement tasks in the field of air transport, air navigation and airports; to implement national and EU legislation and international conventions on charging and the operation of the Single European Sky, safety, security and protecting the environment from civil aviation activities. The HCAA performs the functions of the regulatory authority for the economic activity of air transport, air navigation and airports. The HCAA is responsible for recommending the development of a national aviation strategy, the regulation and adoption of the regulations falling within its responsibilities and the exercise of oversight over the operation of civil aviation, the application of national and EU law and international conventions.  The Executive Board consists of four (4) members and is involved in strategic and critical importance decision-making in collaboration with the HCAA Governor.


07/2017 - 09/2018

and 09/2020 to date:

Deputy Head, Department of Tourism Economics and Management, University of the Aegean, Greece.

The Department of Tourism Economics and Management (TourEM) at the School of Business, Chios Island, University of the Aegean was established in February 2017 to offer high quality education in tourism development and management of related businesses.  Upon the completion of a four-year BA degree, the Department aims at preparing its students to become highly qualified professionals in the tourism sector and/or pursue further academic specialization in the field.  The Deputy President is responsible to the President for TourEM’s academic affairs and deputises for the President as needed in other areas. The role has a strategic focus on all aspects of the Department’s academic activities and services.


10/2018 to date:

Director, MSc Programme in Strategic Management of Tourism Destinations & Hospitality Enterprises, University of the Aegean, Greece.

The Director provides vision, direction and leadership for the academic and professional development of the MSc Programme, which is the oldest of its kind in Greece.  The Director contributes proactively to the development as well as to the operational efficiency of the programme, working with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.


04/2012 to 10/2015 & 03/2018 to 08/2022:

Director of Laboratory for Tourism Research and Studies, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Greece.

The Laboratory for Tourism Research and Study (ETEM) has operated in the Department of Business Administration at the University of the Aegean since 2000 and is located in Chios, Greece.   ETEM aims to satisfy the teaching and research needs of the University in various tourism-related areas. ETEM also provides high-quality specialized research and consultancy in various areas of tourism related to the following areas: Air Transport, Destination Management and Development, Economics, Environment, Sociology, Information Technology and E-Business, Marketing, Education and Training, Hospitality, Management of Organizations.  ETEM aims at becoming a centre of excellence of tourism research at a global level and for this reason it has engaged into the active internationalization of its profile over the last years through its participation in EU-funded projects and collaboration with academic and professional organization world-wide.


10/2019 to 07/2020:

Director, MSc Programme in Tourism Business Administration, Hellenic Open University, Greece.

The Director provides vision, direction and leadership for the academic and professional development of this distance learning MSc Programme, which is the largest of its kind in Greece.  The Director contributes proactively to the development as well as to the operational efficiency of the programme, working with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.


03/2018 to 08/2020:

Member, Scientific Board of Quality Assurance in Tourism Education, Ministry of Tourism, Greece.

This five-member Board oversees the design and implementation of policies in tourism education and training and systematically evaluates the programme structure, processes and performance of training staff in the tourism vocational schools.


10/2018 to 08/2022:

Member, Management Committee, Inter-Institutional, Inter-Departmental International Master of Sustainable Tourism Development: Cultural Heritage, Environment, Society led by Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

This five-member committee oversees the efficient operation of this Masters’ programme.


10/2017 to 08/2022:

Deputy Director, Inter-Institutional, Inter-Departmental MSc Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism led by University of West Attica, Greece.

The Deputy Director collaborates with the Director of the MSc programme to provide vision, direction and leadership for the academic and professional development.  The Deputy Director contributes proactively to the development as well as to the operational efficiency of the programme, working with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.


03/2017 to 08/2020:

Deputy Member, Advisory Scientific Committee on Tour Guides School Matters, Ministry of Tourism, Greece.

This five-member Committee advises the Minister of Tourism on issues regarding the strategy, operations and curriculum of the Tour Guides Schools in Greece.


2006 to date:

Erasmus Programme Academic Coordinator at various institutional levels, University of the Aegean.

Responsibility for academic matters regarding incoming and outgoing students participating in the Socrates – Erasmus exchange university programme.


2006 to date:

Member of Academic Staff Electoral Boards at the University of the Aegean, Greece. (internal panellist), the Hellenic Mediterranean University (external panellist), the International Hellenic University (external panellist), the University of Athens (external panellist), the University of Piraeus, Greece (external panellist), the University of Patras, Greece (external panellist), the University of Peloponnese, Greece (external panellist), the University of West Attica, Greece (external panellist), the Ionian University, Greece (external panellist), the Technological Institute of Crete, Greece (external panellist) and the Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland (external panellist).


2006 to date:

Elected Member (2006-19) and President (2019 to date) of the Executive Board, Hellenic Aviation Society.

The Hellenic Aviation Society is a highly dynamic scientific non-profitable forum on aviation issues in Greece, which aims to contribute to the progress and promotion of scientific work in air transport; to present and promote the role of aviation and its contribution to the economic, political and social development to the wider public of Greece; to offer survey, research and advisory assistance to governmental and private institutions involved in aviation; to collaborate with Higher Education Institutions and other organizations engaged in the area of aviation; and to create and to keep Historical Archives and a Library for both Hellenic and international aviation.


2006 to date:

St Antony’s College (Univ. of Oxford) Liaison Officer in Greece.

Focus on career development and networking opportunities in collaboration with the Development Office at St Antony’s, organisation of events for Antonians in Greece


10/ 2015 – 06/2016:

Dean, London College of Hospitality and Tourism, University of West London, United Kingdom.

The Dean provides vision, direction and leadership for the academic and professional development of the London College of Hospitality and Tourism.  As a member of the University's senior management group the Dean contributes proactively to the development of the university, working with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.  In the context of his duties and responsibilities Professor Papatheodorou undertook both strategic and operational tasks.  In terms of the former, Professor Papatheodorou:

1. Provided strategic direction and ambassadorial academic leadership within the context of university priorities.

2. Led the formulation and implementation of the College’s academic plan for teaching and learning, research, and enterprise; set ambitious objectives that fitted with the University's academic plans and strategies; and provided strategies to implement them across the College.

3. Continually oversaw the enhancement of the student experience - overseeing the implementation and outcomes related to the design and delivery of courses within the remit of the College; overseeing the provision of student engagement mechanisms, and feedback processes and practice; and ensuring that student support mechanisms in the College met the highest standards and complied fully with university and external requirements in respect of quality (e.g., QAA), student satisfaction, and other key performance indicators.

4. Encouraged, supported and facilitated scholarship, research and entrepreneurial activity, ensuring the College identified and pursued external funding and income-generating activities meeting university targets.

5. Enhanced academic leadership within and beyond the College, embracing the range of disciplines represented, by providing, in partnership with the Pro Vice-Chancellors and the Directors of Central Services, a coherent vision for teaching, learning, research, scholarship, enterprise and employer engagement.

6. Built and maintained external relations essential to the College’s and university's business, promoting the University to external bodies and organisations and enhancing its reputation, profile and influence in UK and international forums.

7. Collaborated with other Heads of School/Deans and central services to identify new opportunities for university-wide and interdisciplinary developments.

8. Supported the University's strategy for submissions to the research excellence framework; and led all research activities within the College, including through the setting-up of a new research centre for Aviation and Tourism.


In terms of operational tasks, Professor Papatheodorou:

9. Oversaw the delivery of an outstanding student learning experience by ensuring effective arrangements are in place – through Heads of Subjects and Course Leaders - for the delivery, quality assurance and enhancement of all programmes, modules and fields and development where possible of flexible modes of delivery.

10. In collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, drove the development of a dynamic and innovative portfolio of undergraduate, taught postgraduate, and Continuing Professional Development programmes supportive of the University's strategic plan.

11. Drove and oversaw the development and implementation of an effective and proactive employer engagement strategy, building on existing links, and developing new collaborations, so that relevant professional and employability skills were integrated into the curriculum and that all students benefited from exposure to the professional practice of their discipline.

12. In partnership with the relevant central services, developed and delivered an effective student recruitment, progression and retention strategy.

13. Identified and delivered achievable research and enterprise income generation targets and ensured that the College was positioned to take advantage of funding initiatives both within the UK and internationally.

14. Supported the development of the University's submission for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

15. Attracted, managed and retained staff in the College to achieve academic excellence, ensuring their development, appraisal and performance review, and effective deployment in alignment with the University's policies and procedures.

16. Worked with Heads of Subject to implement comprehensive, accurate and timely timetabling and workload allocation processes, ensuring effectiveness, efficiency, equity and fairness, consistent with university requirements.

17. Took responsibility for regular and effective communication within the College and across the University.

18. With the assistance of the College’s financial accountant, developed, implemented and operationally managed an annual College budget in line with the University's resource allocation model, ensuring the highest standards of financial probity.

19. Engaged in own programme of practice development, research and publication.

20. Actively supported the academic and business operations of the University through contribution to and membership of College and university working groups and committees.

21. Ensured that all relevant university policies and procedures were communicated and complied with.

22. Represented the University and the College and undertook other appropriate tasks commensurate with the grade, as required by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.



Elected Member of the Executive Board, International Association for Tourism Economics.

The International Association for Tourism Economics aims to contribute to the development and application of tourism economics as a science and instrument for policy making; to improve communication and contacts between teachers, researchers and students in tourism economics all over the world; to improve communication and contacts between tourism economics and other fields in economics and in other disciplines; to develop and encourage cooperation between university level teaching institutions and research institutions so as to promote knowledge of the concepts and applications of economic analysis to tourism issues and policy analysis.



Member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean.

Responsibility for academic matters concerning postgraduate studies.



Deputy Member (until October 2008) and Full Member (thereafter) of the Research Committee, University of the Aegean, Greece.

Responsibility for examining and approving research programmes and budgets submitted by University members of staff.



University of Surrey Alumni contact in Greece.

Focus on career development and networking opportunities in collaboration with the Surrey Alumni Society, organisation of events for Surrey graduates in Greece.



Member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of an open tender process initiated by the Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean to select the supplier of 22 laptops for its academic staff.



Leader of the MSc Programme in Tourism and Air Transport Management, School of Management, University of Surrey, UK.

• Responsibility for the curriculum and the effective management of this innovative MSc Programme offered in the academic year 2003-04 (initially in collaboration with Dr M. Bennett).

• The introduction of this MSc Programme was welcomed by both the academia and the industry; however, the School discontinued the autonomous operation of the Programme in the context of restructuring and merging its academic programmes in tourism.



Undergraduate Admissions Tutor, School of Management, University of Surrey, UK.

• Responsibility for evaluating the applications and making offers to UK/EU prospective candidates for admission to the undergraduate stream of Management & Tourism in the School.

• Liaison with the International Office and representation of the University of Surrey in British Council Education Fairs organised in Greece and Cyprus.



Leader of the Master Entry Programme, School of Management, University of Surrey, UK.

• Responsibility for the academic content and efficient administration of the Master Entry Programme based upon the agreed strategies and policies of the School.

• Consultation of the Postgraduate Board of Studies and Management Team of the School on new trends for the development of the Programme.

• Co-ordination of a twelve-member committee that reviewed the aims and objectives, the contents structure, the admissions criteria and the marketing strategy of the Programme in 2001.  Subsequent preparation of a report with recommendations for thorough changes approved by the Postgraduate Board of Studies of the School.

• The restructuring of the Master Entry Programme was very successful in terms of admissions in the academic years 2002-03 and 2003-04.



President of the Oxford University Greek Society (> 200 members)



Member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Graduates of Lycée Léonin, (the oldest Greek-French School founded in 1838)


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